Quick Tips for Moving (and Hopefully Living) in Williamsburg as a 20-Something

Williamsburg is exciting. It is filled with possibilities as a 20-something navigating the whims and thrills of New York City. But how do you get familiar with the city? What are some quick tips towards easing into everything Brooklyn and NYC has to offer? We look at just four quick tips for getting acquainted with Williamsburg if you live in one of our Williamsburg rentals.

Food Delivery Apps

There is, indeed, an app for just about everything you could imagine. We recommend one particular app over any other- the door delivery app. You can get top-quality food delivered to any of the local Brooklyn luxury apartments. 

Save yourself from having to leave for the evening and have a relaxing night inside. Food delivery apps are often connected to a network of local restaurants. This includes leading services like UberEats, QuickBite or Doordash, as well as a popular app called Seamless. All in all, they make living at our Williamsburg apartments at 420 Kent even better!

Check Out Under-the-Radar Attractions

All non-New Yorkers know about the big attractions, like the Empire State Building and the Statue of Liberty. But you aren’t going to be visiting these attractions every weekend. There are thousands of things to do right outside our Williamsburg luxury apartments that don’t top lists of big tourist attractions. Look at some under-the-radar locales, like nearby local parks (420 Kent is moments from Domino Park) and museums, to find some delightful and fun activities, like the Museum of Food and Drink or the One Memorial.

Competitively Priced Luxury Apartments

Manhattan often earns the distinction of being a playground for the rich. But you don’t have to have tons of money to enjoy what the city has to offer when you live in Williamsburg. There are numerous cost-friendly restaurants and bars. Williamsburg is more competitively priced compared to the top residential neighborhoods Manhattan. This doesn’t just apply to the Williamsburg luxury rentals, but to the experiences and activities of the neighborhood as well.

Free Events

There’s always something to do. It could be small. It could be on a Tuesday evening at 5:30 p.m. But it is different, community-driven, and interesting. Just stay connected to the local community and with your neighbors to see all the fun and interest right outside your Williamsburg apartment.

There is a lot to learn about living in Williamsburg. Hopefully this starts the conversation rolling about how enthralling the neighborhood can be compared to other parts of New York City. 

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